Miscellaneous info
last edited 2025/02/17
a rare magical disease that appears as magic crystallizing on the body. the forming of these crystals drains energy.
meds can slow the growth of crystals to an easily manageable pace, and they need to be removed (removed crystals can be used as batteries though!).
without treatment, most creatures will die quickly, the crystals consuming too much of their energy to survive. the only known case of surviving any significant amount of time with untreated crystalrot is a sunshifter. manageable with treatment but not quite curable.

FTL travel
spaceships in savirell are capable of FTL travel in two ways: parallel travel and warping. both methods use magic.
parallel travel involves shifting along the 4th dimension into a parallel space usually referred to as the nebula (due to its appearance) and travelling at slower than light speeds. it appears as FTL in the main space thanks to the nebula's smaller "scale" - it's almost like travelling in a map. travel speeds across inhabited space are comparable to travel on a planet - getting from one planet to another is like a plane flight.
warping, meanwhile, involves opening a wormhole directly to the destination and is instantaneous. however, due to its massive energy requirements, it's mainly used in emergencies only. the main ships that are equipped for warping are emergency service ships - space ambulances and the like.