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Species: NSFW Info

last edited 2025/02/17

WARNING: this page is NSFW!!! it contains descriptions and images of alien genitalia. if you are not over 18, close the page! thank you.

gaian sexes are essentially the same as humans', with the addition of soft barbs on the penis in some individuals, similar to earth cats.

virei also have two sexes, and their genitals are similarly humanlike. their penises have small tentacles at the tip (making them look kind of like polyps).

all three skoriza sexes have genitals that are hidden when not aroused. alphas have a vagina with a phallic ovipositor and internal gonads, betas have a penis (in a slit) and external gonads/testicles, and gammas have both a vagina with an ovipositor (though it tends to be thinner than an alpha's) and testicles. both the ovipositor and penis are hidden when not aroused.

the single magmira sex is the same as the skoriza gamma sex - they all have a vagina, ovipositor, and testicles.

akathes have similar sexes to gaians, with the addition of a null sex, which has no external genitals and inactive gonads; the area can still be stimulated, though. unlike gaians, the male sex has internal testes, and its penis is hidden when not aroused (like skorizas) and has a knot (which is also practically invisible when not inflated).

astrovyrns have no sexes and, well, don't have sex...