Species: Skorizas
last edited 2025/02/17

name: skoriza (native plural: skorisāni)
home planet: onzraksha (onzrakʂa)
native biome: temperate rainforest
avg. height: 1.8 - 2 meters
diet: obligate carnivore
common ancestor with magmiras
skorizas have three sexes - oshka, ekne, and agvo, or alpha, beta, and gamma. only two are required to produce offspring; beta or gamma do the fertilizing, and alpha or gamma lay the eggs.
alpha (oshka) can be considered the equivalent to female, as they produce egg cells. they tend to be larger than the other sexes. traditionally, alphas are the least involved in raising offspring, instead protecting their families from external dangers.
beta (ekne) is the equivalent to male, producing sperm cells. the main external difference is the stomach pouch - betas carry around their offspring after they hatch from eggs.
gamma (agvo) is the one with no equivalent. they produce ameboid gametes, which can both fertilize or be fertilized.