Species: General Info
last edited 2025/02/17

left to right: gaian, skoriza, magmira, akathe, vire, astrovyrn

natural (for each species) colors are the most common, but others also appear due to mutations or, especially in gaians, modified genetics.
the natural pigments align with the species' relations - the main four all have pigments derived from a black and a red one - black and red for gaians and magmiras, black and warm green for skorizas, very blue-toned gray and red for akathes; virei have bright blue and orange, and astrovyrns have a photosynthetic black and a mix of reflective pigments which can produce just about any color.
any two species can have hybrid offspring; the process is similar to an in vitro fertilisation, with some gene modification. typically, a hybrid has a genetic "base" of one of the species, and its reproductive system. other than that, hybrids are a blend of traits from both parents.
hybrids can also reproduce naturally with members of their "base" species. this can result in the same kind of hybrid.